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21-22 Settembre 2024 - Krav Maga Seminar - Almaty - Kazakhstan
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21-22 Settembre 2024 - Krav Maga Seminar - Almaty - Kazakhstan
26-27 Ottobre 2024 - Campionato del Mondo - TKM - CKM Parigi
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26-27 Ottobre 2024 - Campionato del Mondo - TKM - CKM  Parigi
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Technical Krav Maga EN

Technical Krav Maga

The TKM is a competition between teams of 2 practitioners. Teams may consist of 2 men, 2 women or be mixed.

Each team gave a demonstration of one minute 30 and has different situations with or without a weapon. 

The attacker can use all the techniques of Krav Maga and assaulted apply multiple techniques of defense and attack against Krav Maga. 

The technical demonstration of the team must respect the fundamental values and principles of Krav Maga, it must be realistic and as close as possible to the spirit of a real fighter.

Each participant must wear appropriate attire and the winner is chosen by a vote of flags.

This competition is open to categories: Cadet, Junior, Veteran, Woman Hope , Man Hope , Mixed Hope, Woman Elite, Man Elite & Open

For more information, please contact our TKM italian manager Mr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.